HOOVER, AL (March 28, 2024) – On Saturday, March 23, 2024, the Alabama Golf Association (AGA) held its Annual Membership Meeting, Annual Board of Directors Meeting, and Annual Awards Luncheon at the Shoal Creek Club in Shoal Creek, AL.
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Annual Membership and Board of Directors Meetings
At the Alabama Golf Association’s Annual Membership meeting, Walker Grant of Alexander City was re-elected to serve a second one-year term as President. Grant has been a member of the board since 2008.
Other elected officers include: Joey Dzwonkowski of Mobile (Vice-President), Susan West of Tuscaloosa (Secretary), and Derrel Curry of Birmingham (Treasurer).
Re-elected AGA Board of Directors members are: Alan Allgood of Fairhope; Sam Audia III of Birmingham; Bernadette Beavers-Forrest of Hoover; Jan Berry of Madison; Flip Bradley of Huntsville; Forrest Crabtree of Mobile; Patrick Drummond of Birmingham; Joey Dzwonkowski of Mobile; Freeman Fite of Anniston; Nancy Gavin of Jacksons Gap; John Goldasich of Birmingham; Walker Grant of Alexander City; Brinson Holder of Point Clear; Joey Holley of Troy; Hoyt W. Howell, Jr. of Anniston; Lucie King of Tuscaloosa; Larry Kniseley of Daphne; William V. Lewis of Tuscaloosa; Chris Marr of Mobile; William C. McGowin of Montgomery; Chris Nix of Vestavia Hills; Will Pearce of Selma; Will Swift of Birmingham; Sam Vann of Dothan; Philip Weaver of Tuscaloosa; and Susan West of Tuscaloosa.
Three additional board members were re-elected to serve the second of two one-year terms on the AGA Executive Committee, along with the four officers: Immediate Past President Steve Hudson, Will Swift of Vestavia Hills, and Chris Marr of Mobile.
Sharon Kellum of Leeds retired from the AGA’s Board of Directors after serving the organization since 2015.
Joe H. King Award
Grantland Rice III of Birmingham was the recipient of the 2024 Joe H. King Award. The Joe H. King Award is the highest honor that the Alabama Golf Association presents in amateur golf. Rice began his involvement with the AGA’s Board of Directors in 2000 and went on to serve as Secretary/Treasurer from 2013-14, Vice President from 2015-16 and President from 2017-18. He currently leads the AGA’s long-range planning and development committee and co-chairs the investment committee with Derrel Curry. Grantland Rice III exemplifies what the Joe H. King award represents - to recognize men and women from Alabama with either a career of outstanding playing achievements or whose dedication and efforts have made lasting contributions in giving back to the game.
Sadie Roberts Award
Dr. Phil Bridges of Madison received the Sadie Roberts Volunteer of the Year Award. Bridges served on the USGA’s Senior Amateur Committee for almost 20 years and began volunteering for the AGA in 2014. He has since been a fixture at countless AGA events, USGA qualifiers while also serving on the rules committees for the SEC Men’s Golf Championship and NCAA Men’s Division III National Championship. He embodies what the Sadie Roberts Award represents – to serve the game and the Alabama Golf Association without expecting anything in return.
About the Alabama Golf Association (AGA)
The Alabama Golf Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization founded in 1915 whose mission is to serve and promote amateur golf in Alabama. AGA membership consists of 120 member clubs represented by over 28,000 individuals. The activities and services of the Alabama Golf Association are governed by a Board of Directors consisting of Alabama golfers who wish to serve the game and the association through service. A full-time professional staff of seven individuals handles day-to-day activities.
Based in Hoover, the AGA is the USGA's Allied Golf Association in Alabama conducting national championship qualifying, administering the World Handicap System including the GHIN Handicap service, course & slope rating, and Rules of Golf & Handicapping education. The AGA annually conducts 24 championships; team match competitions for men, women, junior and seniors; AHSAA high school golf championship and the SEC Men's Golf Championship. The AGA manages the Junior Golf Alabama program that is a joint venture between the AGA and Alabama-NW Florida PGA Section.
In addition to competitions, the AGA administers the AGA Scholarship Fund through the Alabama Golf Foundation that is dedicated to assisting young golfers in higher education. Additionally, the Alabama Golf Foundation supports the Youth on Course Alabama program providing facility access to junior golfers and provides funding for the Alabama Turfgrass Research Foundation. In 2016, the AGA earned the Gold Tee Award for “Outstanding Tournament Operations – Small Association” by the International Association of Golf Administrators (IAGA).
Since 1980, the AGA has managed the affairs of the Southern Golf Association which includes conducting the historic Southern Amateur Championship and Southern Junior Championship, in conjunction with the SGA Board of Directors. AGA staff also administers day-to-day operations of the Elite Amateur Golf Series. For more information about the Alabama Golf Association, visit www.alabamagolf.org.
Media Contact:
Mikayla King
Manager of Media, Marketing & Communications
Alabama Golf Association