AMELIA ISLAND, FL (July 31, 2018) – Final results of the 4th Women’s Southeastern Challenge Match hosted by The Amelia Island Club at Long Point in Amelia Island, FL on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 (Amateurs 5948 yards, par 36-36—72; Seniors: 5679 yards, par 36-36--72).
Heading into the final session of Three-Ball Matches on Tuesday, Georgia held a .5 point advantage over Florida and 5.5 point advantage over Alabama.
Georgia and Florida tied the Three-Ball singles session with 14.5 points. Alabama posted 7 points on Day 2, but after a very tight battle coming down to the last two matches Team Georgia was able to retain the title by edging host state Florida by .5 point and 13 points clear of Alabama.
Georgia’s victory evens the all-time record for wins with Florida holding two titles a piece, after the 4th Women’s Southeastern Challenge Match.
Final Score: Georgia: 25.5; Florida: 25; Alabama: 12.5
Women’s Southeastern Challenge Match, a biannual event, format consists of 18 holes of match play with Four-Ball, Foursomes, and three-ball (singles) match play sessions. Each match is worth 1 point. Half point to each side for a tie. Each state competes against the other two states in an equal number of matches. This invitation only event is comprised of a select group of eight amateurs and four seniors (age 50+) selected by each state golf association.
The event rotates between the three states with Georgia set to host in 2020 and Alabama in 2022.
Monday AM Four-Ball Matches:'s-Southeastern-Challenge-Four-Ball-Results/917
Monday PM Foursomes Matches:'s-Southeastern-Challenge-Foursome-Results/918
Tuesday AM Three-Ball Matches:'s-Southeastern-Challenge-Three-Ball-Results/919
Day 2 Three-Ball Results
Alabama: 7
Florida: 14.5
Georgia: 14.5
Day 1 AM Four-Ball Results
Alabama: .5
Florida: 3.5
Georgia: 5
Day 1 PM Foursomes Results
Alabama: 5
Florida: 7
Georgia: 6
Day 1 Results
Alabama: 5.5
Florida: 10.5
Georgia: 11
Final Results
Georgia: 25.5
Florida: 25
Alabama: 12.5
This event is co-conducted by the Alabama Golf Association, Florida State Golf Association and the Georgia State Golf Association.